Wouldn't Akubi look adorably pissed off in this Hello Kitty™ costume?
While browsing for Sweet Deals™ I discovered this gem. If you're tempted to snap it up, I'm sorry to say it is in firm escrow.

I just love the description of this lovely house:
WARNING, the pool in the rear of yard has collapsed in on itself. The pool deck arond the pool is very dangerous. We are advising that you not enter the rear yard, and if you do enter the rear yard, you are doing so at your own risk. The City of Petaluma may be requiring a soils report.According to Zillow someone just paid 465K for this POS on 11/30/2007. There must be another Casey out there.
Speaking of Sweet Deals™, upon closer examination my latest find isn't all that impressive. They did a half-ass job on the foundation and ruined the feng shui of the living room by adding a stairway to the "loft" in the attic and didn't bother to obtain permits. When I crawled under the house I discovered that parts of the foundation looked as bad as this one.

Murst to say that 465K for Petaluma is ridiculous. Been looking at places in the South Bay myself.
I guess that's what would've happened if Casey had pumped all the sludge out of his notorious green pool.
The west downtown side of Petaluma where the Victorian mansions and cute Arts and Crafts era houses are located is actually quite nice. Have you been to their Whole Foods recently? They have more kombucha than Marin!
This collapsed pool place is in a really crappy location though. I’m puzzled by the Zillow sales history.
Did you get a job in the South Bay?
It sure does look that way - and quite Modesto-esque.
I am in the market for a used swimming pool to use as a koi breading pond. Do you think the new owners will sell it to me?
I am in the market for a used swimming pool to use as a koi breading pond.
Koi breading...? You can "bread" them in a frying pan after coating the pan with some butter. ;-)
I stole some koi from Nigel's pond -- they were a nice semi-vegan snack!
Koi Breading™ has become a major new creative™ business venture™ and might explain the interest in this place.
Are you sure you are not the guy who bought this dump several months ago?
No, Akubi... you can tell it wasn't me who bought this place -- I wouldn't even have bothered to drain the pool. :-p
West Nile virus and Malaria for the whole neighborhood, thanks to me! Just woke up from 10 hours of beauty sleep.... looking at my schedule today, looks like it's back to bed! Sweet! Have fun at work!! ;-)
(tm) :)
You were quite the early riser this morning!
Given the manner in which the pool collapsed it may not have needed to be drained.
BTW I really do think that you and Laura Richardson should start a new blog together.
If only Richardson had blogged the sweet real estate adventures that landed her in her current position...
BTW, is wheatgrass juice a major source of dietary fiber?
Hi Ogg!
Your bizarre Rent-a-Dildo find has been posted at Zillow Book!
@ Casey:
Did you have anything to do with this green pool?
@ Akubi:
That service might not be for you. I see no mention of butt plugz.
@ Ogg, no, but good article... perhaps the cancer researchers should go to the Modesto Pool™ and see what bizarre organisms they can find...
The pool's been in such a decrepit state for so long, there may be metals and other elements within the sludge not yet known to mankind. ;-)
No, I don't head up to Petaluma often. Come to think of it, the last time I was there was probably 7 years ago.
Still jobless, but 'sok.
Good day !.
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